In a distant future, there is just one twink left on Earth, and humanity’s only hope for survival rests in putting him in cryo stasis. Android Dick (Foxy Alex) puts Joey Mills into a pod before blasting into space. When Earth is ready, he wakes up the last twink, but Joey’s so weak from his decades in stasis that he can hardly walk. Dick helps stimulate his muscles… and downloads a sex program to stimulate Joey’s hole as he fucks the twink doggystyle! Joey rides Dick, then sucks him, and the twinkbot rims the bottom, then fucks him against the cryopod. Dick pounds the twink on the table till they cum. It’s a big responsibility, but Joey’s ready to be the last twink on Earth!
- 6 months ago
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The Last Twink on Earth – Joey Mills & Foxy Alex
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