MormonBoyz – Elder Clarke – New Companions with Elder Jones

Elder Clarke looked over at Elder Jones. The brown haired boy stretched out his lean body on his twin bed, flipping throughthe pages of his book, dutifully and diligently taking in his reading.

Clarke studied his face secretly, admiring his handsome features and preppy, school-boy appearance. Clarke hadn’t really spent much time with him yet, but wanted desperately for his new roommate to like him. The two boys had only become companions the day before and had not yet developed any kind of rapport or connection.

Elder Jones had moved around from companion to companion, always having been reassigned for some kind of bad behavior or disagreement. He couldn’t help it. He had a hunger for cock that was truly insatiable, and it often led him to make rash, bad decisions. He wanted his companions to like him, hoping he could somehow maneuver his way into their beds and their pants.

As he looked down Jones’ body, he saw the large, solid mound that made up the crotch his garments. It rose a couple inches up from his groin, an impressive collection of meat and material, even while looking at the words of his scriptures. Clarke’s mind wandered off into what it would look like fully erect, and made his first bad decision…

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