MilitaryClassified – Dawson 5

Dawson is back and this poor boy needs money bad and I have become his lifeline to income for the moment. He’s a looker so he definitely has some credit with me and today is no different. Dawson is a very straight guy but also a self confident straight guy so if someone wants to suck his dick for cash and he doesn’t have to do a single thing in return… well… that’s why Dawson is back!

Dawson is a quiet mild mannered guy who loves a drink or two, or three.. he is 20 years old right? Today he asked for a couple of shots before we get going so it can relax him a little. I, of course, keep my cabinet well stocked with alcohol or as I call it “the resistance blocker” and soon he was comfortable and ready for action! Impressive I must say!

Dawson is a smooth child, with a nice lean body with just the right amount of hair. His smile is infectious and his eyes…well…. they make me melt.. (I’m such a girl) I know he’s not a Marine but damn something about this white boy that does it for me for some reason. I can never explain it really… Jacob, bobby, TJ… the list goes on… sometimes certain guys make an impression on you.. Dawson was one of them.

He’s quite a character because even though he’s a bit of a novice to all this, his attitude is laid back and easy going. He accepts pretty much anything and doesn’t stress about it and that’s what I like most about Dawson. I sucked this guy like I normally do and Its very difficult for Dawson to relax to a bj properly which I think is a problem with him but who am I to judge.

It was a difficult scene to get through but i can’t take my eyes off this boy and his body. I know he means to do well but as most 20 year olds, he’s young, dumb, and full of cum! Dawson is definitely someone I will continue to work with…that is if he’s willing to work with me.

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