Incident #352 – Ball Drainer – Sasha

House Manager jobs don't pay a lot, but there's just something priceless about being able to have your cock drained by teens and twenty-somethings any time you want. It's the best job perk ever, really.House Manager jobs don't pay a lot, but there's just something priceless about being able to have your cock drained by teens and twenty-somethings any time you want. It's the best job perk ever, really.

House Manager jobs don’t pay a lot, but there’s just something priceless about being able to have your cock drained by teens and twenty-somethings any time you want. It’s the best job perk ever, really. Even better, you get to help out a lost soul along the way. Because of our unscrupulous way of managing things, you can imagine the residents talk to each other, often in an unflattering way, about how the place is run. Well, snitches abound, and each time someone tries to talk shit, he gets his come-uppance quickly. This resident, for example, had been saying that our ways at the House just aren’t right. Well, if he doesn’t like the way he’s treated, maybe he should have thought about it before he took the slow road to the pit we dragged him out of. He’s clean now, and he has three squares per day. He goes to meetings and has the opportunity to have a job. So what if his mouth gets used more than a pro? At any rate, his attitude only helps the Manager bust more when he releases his load. This day was my lucky day.

Once he was on his knees, it was all slobbery and teary-eyed from that point forward. I alternated between letting him suck me off and fucking his skull. He has a great tongue and almost no gag reflex, so I took advantage of the situation by giving him the rough treatment. Although his eyes were telling me he didn’t like it, it sure was some great dome. Even better, when I told him to get me off, he didn’t even have to try too hard before my jizz was spurting down his gullet. This is the kind of cock-sucking, ball draining asshole I like to have around.

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