Fuck Like Bunnies – Jonah Wheeler and Shaya Odin

We as men who love men have come a long way in fully reclaiming our sexual joy as a vital, healthy, integral part of our day-to-day lives, yet it’s hard to forget that our gay sex culture itself grewWe as men who love men have come a long way in fully reclaiming our sexual joy as a vital, healthy, integral part of our day-to-day lives, yet it’s hard to forget that our gay sex culture itself grew

We as men who love men have come a long way in fully reclaiming our sexual joy as a vital, healthy, integral part of our day-to-day lives, yet it’s hard to forget that our gay sex culture itself grew out of an era of repression. Some might say that the repression of our sexuality has been a bit like a pressure cooker. The more repression existed in our environment, the more our passionate inner rebel rose to fully assert himself in opposition to the “status quo”.

During our Hawaii retreat, we collaborated with participants to co-create videos that resonated with their personal kinks and desires. These men wanted to experiment with totally embodying what it would feel like for gay sex to be able to thrive – right out in the open as a natural part of daily life. They’re men who wanted to imagine a world where the postman or your neighbor would find the sight of two men butt-fucking on a bench to be just as wonderful – and natural as birds singing in the morning.

We invite you to consider this video more than just a “fantasy”. Allow it to be an embodied vision. Dare to allow yourself to imagine at the very core of your body, heart, and soul – what it would feel like to feel safe enough to express our full sexual joy with other men, right in the middle of the town where we live. Some have dared to say that in order for a dream to come fully alive on Earth, it must first come alive in us. Just for today, we invite you to allow yourself to embody this dream.

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