Eucharist – Jack Valor and Troye Jacobs

This scenario melds the Last Supper with the meeting of Jesus and two disciples on the road to Emmaus after the resurrection [Luke 24: 13-35]. The event on the road to Emmaus has all theThis scenario melds the Last Supper with the meeting of Jesus and two disciples on the road to Emmaus after the resurrection [Luke 24: 13-35]. The event on the road to Emmaus has all the

This scenario melds the Last Supper with the meeting of Jesus and two disciples on the road to Emmaus after the resurrection [Luke 24: 13-35]. The event on the road to Emmaus has all the elements necessary for the eroticization of the sacred meal: fellowship, community, the blessing of the bread and the recognition of the ‘Master’. As the scripture says, “they recognized him in the breaking of the bread”. Then he disappeared. In our version, he sticks around and gets worshipped with tongue, cock and touch.

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