This young Debt Dandy 269 man made a lot of debts, including a few bank loans. He didn’t look very bright so I wasn’t surprised he got into trouble. He didn’t start fixing his situation until it became really dangerous. The boy was playing with fire and could very easily end up homeless right before winter. Don’t worry, I’m a true philanthropist. I was more than happy to help the guy to get back on his feet. But first I wanted to have fun and teach him a little lesson. Fortunately, he was pretty submissive so I basically did what I wanted with him. I let him gently suck my cock and lick my ass. Then I gave his tiny asshole proper stretching. I even brought my huge red dildo with me. The boy had a hard time to endure it but in the end he managed.
- 6 years ago
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Debt Dandy
Debt Dandy 269

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