This time I went on a lovely trip up North. I got a call from a Debt Dandy 259 boy who needed 30 000 Crowns but wasn’t from Prague. He moved to Liberec because he got an IT job there. His girlfriend wasn’t happy about it and broke up with him. Our guy couldn’t afford to live alone that’s why he got a roommate. And that was the source of his problems. After a month, they couldn’t stand each other anymore. The boy decided to rent his own flat and needed my help to do so. His job wasn’t paid very well so he couldn’t meet our lending terms. That’s why I offered him a naughty alternative. He agreed quite quickly, I guess he disliked his roommate a lot. To suck and fuck like this little devil, you have to be really motivated. I guess, I should be thankful to his stupid roommate.
- 7 years ago
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