COLE BLUE – THE PROFESSOR – Tape 5 – Meeting the Assistant

Cole cleared his thickening throat and quietly asked Professor Snow if Noah was aware of their having been together. Snow shook his head and explained that Noah was not aware, but that fact was intentional. The protective father wasn’t certain that the boy, in his youthful, naive perspective, would understand the various complexities of gay male relationships.

Professor Snow asked for his assistant, with quiet pleading, to keep the sexual nature of his and Noah’s relationship to himself. Cole twirled his pen with his suddenly trembling fingers and segued into a confession: Cole missed being with him.

Professor Snow was a brilliant man. Students and faculty alike were consistently coming to him for various sorts of insight, information, and from time to time, advice. After Cole disclosed his feelings, Professor Snow had no idea how to respond. He thought hard for a moment and then asked his one-time lover: what would he have him do?

The ornery twink T.A. leaned closer to Professor Snow and offered up a bright idea: how about they have a little fun together? The three of them. Naked.

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